In America, the color of your skin still determines your quality of life

Dr. Marcus Anthony Hunter

Educating the Next Generation

Dr. Blackness | Marcus Anthony Hunter is the Scott Waugh Endowed Chair in the Division of the Social Sciences and Professor of Sociology and African American Studies at UCLA., coiner of #BlackLivesMatter, and author of four books:

Black Citymakers  (How The Philadelphia Negro Changed Urban America),

Chocolate Cities The Black Map of American Life (coauthored with Zandria F. Robinson),

The New Black Sociologists, and  Radical Reparations™ forthcoming with Harper Collins (Amistad).

 In addition to being the recipient of grants from the National Science Foundation, the Social Science Research Council, and the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation.

​His research, activism, and commentary have been featured in journals and news media such as CSPAN's BookTV, the Du Bois Review, Current Anthropology, City & Community, Sexuality Research & Social Policy, Talking Points Memo, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the New York Times.